Seven deadly sins of parenting

The ironical thing about this parenting thing is that, till you become one you are happily in some sort of cloud #9, with absolutely no iota of reality to bring you down. Before baby, the hubby and I used to wonder how some parents just can’t get the hang of their own kids and how they allow them to “let go.”

Our bubble has been broken for good and now as parents we have understood and experienced that it is one HELL of a job. I no longer aim to become “mother of the century” and have no shame in admitting that sometimes I am absolutely rubbish at it and that occasionally (ok, ok regularly) commit some “classic” parenting sins. So, if you would like to feel better about your own parenting skills read on or maybe you would also like to plead guilty.

Image Via Google Images

Image Via Google Images


I had promised myself that I will never be a pushy, tiger mum and that I will take no credit for my daughter’s milestones. But when another mum at rhyme time told me, “wow, your five month is crawling so well.” My joy knew no bound. I think I stood up feeling slightly taller, my nose slightly pointier and my little heart jumping of pure joy. I felt unashamed, pure sense of pride as though it wasn’t my daughter’s crawling but  I have won a Pulitzer Prize or something. Yes, I huffed and puffed till another mum came and shattered my pride to pieces by asking, “so she doesn’t coo in French yet?” Because obviously babies do that.


I am (fine, used to be) a totally Zen person. Even Tibetan monks could’ve learnt from me about being calm and content. These days, simple requests are enough to drive me to insanity. Like when my hubby asks me in the morning totally innocent questions like: “Have you seen my car keys/ wallet/bag?” ALL. HELL. BREAKS.LOOSE. Really, when did I become the treasurer of things? Or do you become one just because you pushed a tiny person out of foof? His nerve, just because he has to go to office and earn our bread and butter. Really, hell has no fury like a wife who is asked about “lost” things.


When I was breastfeeding, every day I would make a pact with myself to stay away from junk but by 10 AM I used to feel ravenous. Totally natural considering I was being an all night buffet to my lovely little girl, I would eat one (or two, whatever who was counting?) slice of cake without a shred of guilt. So has things improved now that she has weaned off herself? Sometimes, I stuff my face with chocolates sneakily with fridge door still open while she munches on her fruits (ha!!).


People think that most mums are envious of those stylish women and their jaw dropping amazing body. No sir. We don’t. I envy anyone who has had six hours of uninterrupted sleep or anyone who can go to the toilet without an audience.


The t-shirt I am wearing today was supposed to be washed yesterday. Ok, ok the day before. Fine, last week. Ever since becoming a mum, “sloth” has become my middle name. I used to be so shamelessly house proud. Needless to say, my cleaning standards have gone down. Considerably down (sob).


Lust, really you got to be joking? (hahahah).


I really have become slightly greedy ever since becoming a mum. Sometimes, I lock myself in the bathroom as soon as hubby comes home and pretend I am doing my business just to get five minutes to myself. I am amazed at my own greed. 😛

Bottom line is mums (and dads) are not perfect creatures. We all slip up sometimes. As long as you aren’t ignoring your children every single day you are probably doing a great job 🙂
Hope you enjoyed this parenting post. Thanks for reading. For more such hilarious and honest take on parenting follow me 🙂 

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9 thoughts on “Seven deadly sins of parenting

  1. LOL Totally guilty of most of these…especially scoffing a piece of chocolate behind the fridge door as my son munches on his carrot sticks haha Thanks for linking up to #happyquacks x

  2. Great post. I think all parents need each of these just to get through the first stages. Frankly why not be proud of your kid’s accomplishments and when they are little sloth is what it’s all about. (Says the guy sitting in front of the computer in his pyjamas.) #happyquacks

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