Why making a toddler sleep is like a TV drama?

One of the first challenges we faced as a new parent was to teach our little girl the fine art of sleeping. Ironically, sleeping is something which still gives us sleepless nights. We have used every tactic in the book from crying it out, gentle CIO, gentle sleeping techniques and now finally co-sleeping (despite an amazingly nice baby cot). What never ceases to amaze me is how making a 15-month old sleep brings out so many emotions and how its nothing short of a TV drama. Read on to find out the how of it.

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Image Via Google Images

The drama starts with so much hope, a gentle, funny reading episode. As a parent you feel how easy this is and life is such a breeze with a toddler. You are brimming with love, hope and an over all positivity. In a split second your situation changes because the plot thickens and your all-too-happy situation has turned in to a full-fledged conflict. Why? Obviously because the toddler has no mind of sleeping even though it is bed time and she needs sleep and you are beyond exhausted. You cajole, coax and wonder from where this little human being, your cute cherub gets their stubbornness from (blame the dad)? With a steely determination and some cursing under the breadth you carry on.

The conflict reaches its climax when the water works start (and I meant yours!). The drama ensues for what seems like hours when you feel this sorry story is just not moving ahead and the crying continues. Obviously, by this juncture the toddler has joined you and you wonder who is the bigger baby? A lull in the crying drama sends you to the deepest depth of pathos and you pray that the end of this series is nearing.

The ensuing silence gives you hope but hey this is like a never-ending tv series and with a bang it starts again. You have no iota of energy left in your body and like Murphy’s law your toddler seems to have become more energetic. This is the juncture in the series when you pull your hair (and your toddler happily joins) out of exasperation. You both cry, you both laugh because honestly you don’t know when this series is going to end.

And just when you have given up all the hope and has made peace with the idea of another sleepless night, you see your toddler sleeping like the baby they are. Hallelujah, the drama is over and it is a happy ending.

Hope you liked this tongue-in-cheek parenting post. For more such hilarious take on parenting or ideas for style & living don’t forget to follow me 🙂

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